Hidden Gems: DCC

A brief rationale for these reflective tools:

My PhD examined the teacher’s influence on the group, and conversely, the impact of the students on the teacher.

The findings confirmed what extensive experience has taught me: this delicate balance is instrumental in shaping the classroom climate – fascinating!

While I expand on a single tool as an illustration—Deconstructing Classroom Climate (DCC)—other CPD lenses are available for subscription in the Shop, located in the Task Bar above.

As part of my provision for the bespoke ‘That Class’ initiative, I’ve distilled the essence of my methodology into a comprehensive resource designed to empower colleagues who have tried all the conventional advice.

DCC is particularly useful for experienced colleagues whose authority relies on their status, reputation, and relationships. Established staff, called upon to support others, can sometimes find it difficult to explain the approaches they use intuitively, their very presence and persona often suffice to bring about compliance. The DCC methodology provides rich language and imagery to deconstruct and articulate their tacit knowledge.

Check out the descriptor and video below.

Deconstructing Classroom Climate adopts an innovative action-enquiry approach to address your challenging classes. The diagnostic analysis (which formed an integral part of Dr. Sean Warren’s doctorate) provides you with a fresh perspective to examine the dynamics at play. Suitable for practitioners teaching across the age range, though examples draw on secondary schools.

Does a class come to mind? Or perhaps a colleague you are supporting?

  • If we establish buy-in during the 20-minute ‘That Class’ Scoping Call, you’ll receive a free-access code to the DCC, initially valid for 1 month.
  • *Buy-in is signified by the investment in a Mini-Bundle, which allows you access to selective tools that enable you to connect various techniques, strategies, and scenarios with the classes you teach.
  • If you submit feedback through a designated link, you may have free access to DCC for a further 2-3 months.
  • In addition. I’ll equip you with an interactive method to capture evidence of the tool’s impact after a specified period.

Options to engage:

  • Use the inbuilt, intuitive prompts to induce deep, focused reflection.
  • Use as stimuli for joint inquiry with a colleague, especially if you both teach the same group.
  • Perfect for peer coaching or mentoring, either in person or remotely if logistics are an issue.

This platform would equip a Lead Teacher/coach/mentor to feel confident and competent using DCC to support colleagues struggling with a specific class. Zoom makes this interaction a viable option.


1: This is not a deficit model. You will experience a sense of agency as you systematically reflect on (and discuss) variables influencing the classroom climate;

2: You will have evidence of impact to justify your investment in professional learning;

3: Regular participation will ensure you/your school are eligible for discounts on selected tools.

Interested in learning more? Visit or return to our main site or schedule an appointment via the green button on the bottom right.

I have created a diverse suite of tools that enable you to sift your unique context and circumstances.

The Edusense methodology proposes a broad canvas to complement the science of learning with the craft of teaching.
Whilst innovative premier tools are accessed via our main platform, this satellite site offers a curated selection through variable subscription options to cover costs, with a commitment to keeping prices affordable—some are free.
Additionally, certain tools will be reserved exclusively for Associate Teachers in Partner Schools.

To reassure you of my credentials, click on the link below.

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